If you are unsure as to whether the creation of Mods is prohibited for your Product, please contact SEGA’s Customer Service Department ( Please note that laws in your respective jurisdiction may require that you are of a certain age in order to enter into legally binding arrangements such as the Modding Terms.

You can find out which Products allow for the creation of Mods by visiting the applicable Modding Page (as defined below). In such instances, you shall not be entitled to create Mods for that Product and the Modding Terms shall not apply. This may be due to third party licensing issues which prevent SEGA from allowing its users to create Mods. Please note that SEGA prohibits the creation of Mods for certain games. Please review these rules carefully before you create, share, distribute, use or otherwise exploit any Mods. In order to protect SEGA, the Product, any third-party licensors that have licensed intellectual property to SEGA for use in the Product, and users that create Mods, the following terms apply (“ Modding Terms”). Yeah.Where possible, SEGA encourages its users to express their creativity and enhance the experience of certain games through the creation of modifications (including but not limited to new items, weapons, characters, models, textures, levels, story lines, music and game modes) for use with the Product (“ Mod” or “Mods”). "Backup Opening.SFD and SegaLogo.SFD, then replace them with empty text files that are renamed Opening.SFD and SegaLogo.SFD respectively."

Playing at 144hz makes the game Hard Mode so you may want to limit your frame rate to 30 in the harder missions. Your HDD fell asleep so fix the idle settings in your Control Panel Power Options.įrame rates over 30 and 60 make tank traversal increasingly challenging on inclines and over 30fps makes the game more challenging in that interception fire from tanks or shocktroopers does significantly more damage. >Why does my game crashes when leaving HQ?

Open 'Sound' in control panel and in speaker advanced properties set to48000Hz, may help.